Linyi Yonglei Labor Protection Supplies Co., Ltd.

How to wear the protective mask correctly

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How to wear the protective mask correctly? In this regard, the relevant people are like this:
1, wash hands: Before wearing a protective mask, you need to wash your hands first to ensure that your hands are clean.
2, check the mask: check whether the mask is damaged or cracked, and whether the headband is intact.
3, adjust the headband: Adjust the headband to the appropriate length, ensure that the mask is close to the head and face.
4, wear a mask: Put the mask on the head, and then adjust the headband to ensure that the mask is close to the face and head.
5, Adjust the eyepiece: Adjust the position of the eyepiece to ensure that the line of sight is clear, and the eyepiece can fully cover the eyes and eyebrows.
6, wear a hat: If you need to wear a hat for homework, you need to wear a hat, ensure that the hat is close to the head, to avoid hair leakage.
7. Confirm wearing: Confirm that the mask is worn correctly before carrying out the operation.
It should be noted that when wearing a protective mask, do not speak, eat or drink water, so as not to affect the wearing effect of the mask. At the same time, if the mask appears breathing difficulties, blurred vision, do not adapt to the situation, should immediately stop the operation, check and replace the appropriate mask.


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